Band Aid example tunes for dances

32 Bar Jigs

The Railway Train - Fiery Clockface  Bloaterband

New Rigged - Ship - Blackberry Quadrille - Major Mackie Home Brew

Dusty Windowsills - Frost is All Over - Alone With the Girls Mooncoin (Double jigs) Barn Dance Band

48 Bar Jigs

Blarney Pilgrim - Merrily Kissed The Quakers Wife Spinach for Norman

Sweets of May - Spanish Jig Fox Amongst the Chickens

Slip Jig

Rocky Road to Dublin - Foxhunters - Drops of Brandy Spinach for Norman


Nelly Grey - Little Liza Jane Dartmoor Pixie Band

Bricks and Mortar - Dark Girl Dressed in Blue Fox Amongst the Chickens

Roscommon - Father Kelly's - Concertina Reel (Fast Irish) Mooncoin Barn Dance Band

Handsome - Rose May - Saturday Night - Jacob's Ladder (Smooth)  Home Brew

Seneca Two Step - Pig's Brawl Fox Amongst the Chickens

Big Ship - Girl With Blue Dress - Astley's Ride (Rant) Home Brew


Centenary - Jimmy Garson's (32 Bar) Bloatertown

Westward Ho (64 Bar) Dartmoor Pixie Band


Jessie's Hornpipe - Scan Tester's (32 Bar) Home Brew

Silverton Polka - Pere Plumet Polka - Tin Tickle Polka Home Brew


Philebelul - Hunting The Hare (16 Bar) Bloatertown

Off To California - Steam Boat (32 Bar) Dartmoor Pixie Band

Dumpost/May Reel (32 Bar) Mooncoin Barn Dance Band

Lively Jig - Redesdale - Burrington Bounce (32 Bar) Home Brew


Oslo Waltz Dartmoor Pixie Band